Friday, 17 July 2015

weblogic interview questions

WebLogic Interview questions and answers

1)What is web.xml?

Web.xml is an XML document that is mainly for application purpose and it helps in listing out the J2EE components and configuration that of your application in J2EE modules format.

2)What are the capabilities of WebLogic server?

There are various capabilities associated with WebLogic server and they are
... Changes in dynamic configuration.
... Production application redeployment.
... Rolling upgrades.
3) Explain about the function associated with T3 in WebLogic server?

T3 provides enhancements support for the messages of WebLogic server. The enhancements comprise of the object replacement, the working of the weblogic server - clusters and also HTTP. T3 also performs serialization of java object and also predation of RMI. T3 can be considered as superset associated with JAVA object. T3 is mandated between WebLogic servers, programmatic clients and cluster associated with WebLogic server. The protocols HTTP and IIOP are made used for enabling communication between WebLogic server and processes.

4) Explain the use of HTTP?

HTTP is the protocol that is made used for the purpose of enabling communication between the WebLogic server and processes.

5) Explain the functionality of IIOP?

IIOP is a kind of protocol helpful in enabling the communication between WebLogic server and object request broker.
6) How do you differentiate between a server hang and server crash issue?

When a server crashes, the JAVA process no longer exists. 
When Server is hang, it stops responding.
We can use the weblogic.ADMIN utility to ping the server. In case of hang situation we can take multiple thread dumps and analyse the cause of hang.

7) What can be the various reasons for a server crash?

... Native IO
... JVM
... SSL Native Libraries
... Supported Configuration
... JDBC Driver issue
8) Server crash ---- troubleshoot?

JVM crash generates a hs_err_pid file. We need to look into the stack trace of the hs_err_pid file.

Thread is from a native io, we need to disable native io.
Stack trace is from the driver, we need to get in touch with the drive team.
quite possibly its a problem with driver changing the type of driver can be a workaround.
If the thread shows it coming from an optimised code, we can turn of optimization.
stack is from native calls of application, its a bug with the application and it has to be modified.

9) Server hang ---- troubleshoot?

We can use java weblogic.admin PING to check if we get a normal response.
We need to take multiple thread dumps with kill -3 pid on unix and Ctrl+Break on Windows
Analyze the thread dump to find the root cause.

10) Reasons of Server hang?
.... Memory leak
.... database query taking a longtime to return
.... Deadlock

11) What is memory leak?

Memory leak is when objects are not removed from the heap even when they are not required.

12) What are the variour causes of OUT OF MEMORY?

... Insufficient  heap size
... Objects licking too long
... Memory leak in application code.
... Full Garbage Collection (GC) not happening due to JVM Bug.
13) How to overcome such issues?

Gather memory data by enabling GC verbose.
If its due to HTTP Session, timing out http session after certain interval might help.
Look into the code for JDBC connection handling.
Optimizing the heap size according to the load.

14) When the High CPU Usage occur?

It occurs when one process or one thread utilizes unexpectedly high proportion of CPU.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Node Manager Configure, Start and Stop Step by Step

General Node Manager Configuration: (Step by Step)

Start Admin Server:


.... Login Weblogic Admin Console

.... Click on Environments -> Machines

.... Click on New tab right side

.... Enter name of Machine and select Machine OS as Unix (Unix Machines)  Other wise By Default Other

Click Next

Node Manager Properties
Type -- Plain
Listen Address -- localhost
Listen Port -- 5556

Click Finish

To Check Status

Start Node Manager

Linux ---- $WL_HOME\server\bin\
Windows ------ C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wlserver\server\bin>startNodeManager.cmd

Admin Console --- Environment ---- Machines ---- Machine2 ---- Monitering ---- NodeManagerStatus

Stop Node Manager

Linux --- kill -9 `ps -ef | grep -i nodemanager.javahome | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'} | head -1`

On windows close the cmd prompt(NodeManagerStarted window)

Node Manager Log Files:

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\nodemanager\ - used by java based node manager. This file is created on first time start of Node Manager(startNodeManager.cmd)

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\nodemanager\ - contains mappings between the names of domains managed by Node Manager and their corresponding directories

base_domain= C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\common\nodemanager\ - This file store the encryption data the Node Manager uses as asymmetric encryption key. This file is created on first time start of nodemanager (startNodeManager.cmd)

C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\config\nodemanager - This file stores the Node Manager username and password used by Admin Server to connect to Node Manager.

Few other configuration files are,,server_name.addr, server_name.lck,, server_name.state

Node Manager

How Node Manager Works in the WebLogic Server Environment:

Node Manager in the WebLogic Server Environment:

How Node Manager Starts an Administration Server:

This section assumes that you have installed the Administration Server and created its domain directory using the Configuration Wizard.

Node Manager is running on Machine A, which hosts the Administration Server. The stand-alone Node Manager client is remote.

1.An authorized user issues the WLST offline command, nmConnect to connect to the Node Manager process on the machine that hosts the Administration Server, and issues a command to start the Administration Server. (If the Node Manager instance is the SSH version, the user can connect using the SSH client).
The start command identifies the domain and server instance to start, and in the case of the Java Node Manager, provides the Node Manager username and password.
If the user has previously connected to the Node Manager, a file exists, and the user does not have to supply username and password.

2. Node Manager looks up the domain directory in, and authenticates the user credentials using a local file that contains the encrypted username and password.
3. Node Manager creates the Administration Server process.
4. The Administration Server obtains the domain configuration from its config directory.

How Node Manager Starts a Managed Server:

1. From the Administration Console, the user issues a start command for Managed Server 1.
        A stand-alone client can also issue a start command for a Managed Server.

2. The Administration Server issues a start command for Managed Server 1 to the Node Manager on        the Machine B, providing the remote start properties configured for Managed Server 1. For                  information about the arguments and how to specify them.

3. Node Manager starts Managed Server 1.
   Node Manager starts the Managed Server using the same root directory where the Node Manager        process is running. To run the Managed Server in a different directory, set the Root Directory              attribute in the Server—>Configuration—>Server Start console page.

4. Managed Server 1 contacts the Administration Server to check for updates to its configuration             information.

5. If there are outstanding changes to the domain configuration, Managed Server 1 updates its local cache of configuration data.

How Node Manager Restarts an Administration Server 

Node Manager is running on the machine that hosts the Administration Server. The Administration Server, which was initially started with Node Manager, has exited. The Administration Server’s AutoRestart attribute is set to true.

Note: If a server instance’s AutoRestart attribute is set to false, Node Manager will not restart it.

1. Node Manager determine from the Administration Server process exit code that it requires restart.

2. Node Manager obtains the username and password for starting the Administration Server from the file, and the server startup properties from the
<server_name>/data/nodemanager/ file.

3. Node Manager starts the Administration Server.

4. The Administration Server reads its configuration data and starts up.

How Node Manager Restarts a Managed Server:

Node Manager is running on Machine B, which hosts Managed Server 1, which was initially started with Node Manager, has existed. Managed Server 1's AutoRestart attribute is set to true

Note: If a server instance's AutoRestart attribute is set false, Node Manager will not restart it.

1. Node Manager determines from Managed Server 1’s last known state that it requires restarting.

2. Node Manager obtains the username and password for starting Managed Server 1 from the          file, and the server startup properties from the file. These server-      specific files are located in the server directory for Managed Server 1.

3. Node Manager starts Managed Server 1.
Note: Node Manager waits RestartDelaySeconds after a server instances fails before attempting       to restart it.

4. Managed Server 1 attempts to contact the Administration Server to check for updates to its                 configuration data. If it contacts the Administration Server and obtains updated configuration data,     it updates its local cache of the config directory.

5. If Managed Server 1 fails to contact the Administration Server, and if Managed Server                         Independence mode (MSI) is enabled, Managed Server 1 uses its locally cached configuration             data.
Note: Managed Server Independence mode is enabled by default.

How Node Manager Shutdown a Server Instance:

The Communications involved in shutting down a Managed Server that is under Node Manger Control. Depending on the state and availability of the Managed Server, Node Manager might need to try alternative strategies to successful initiate the shutdown.

Node Manager is running on Machine B, which hosts Managed Server 1.

1. Through the Administration Console, an authorized user issues a shutdown command for Managed      Server 1.

2. The Administration Server issues the shutdown command directly to Managed Server 1. If it               successfully contacts Managed Server 1, Managed Server 1 performs the shutdown sequence               described in “Graceful Shutdown” in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown.

3. If, in the previous step, the Administration Server failed to contact Managed Server 1, it issues a         shutdown command for Managed Server 1 to Node Manager on Machine B.

4. Node Manager issues a request to the operating system to kill Managed Server 1.

5. The operating system ends the Managed Server 1 process.

Node Manager Configuration

Node Manager Configuration:

Java Based Node Manager:

It is recommended that you configure Node Manager to run as an operating system service or a Windows service on Windows systems.

By default, the operating system service starts up Node Manager to listen on localhost:5556.

When you configure Node Manager to accept commands from remote systems,you must uninstall the default Node Manager Service, then reinstall it to listen on a non-localhost listen address.

Depending on your platform,follow the instructions in Reconfigure Startup Service for Windows Installations or Configuring Java-based Node Manager Security.

Reconfigure Startup Service for Windows Installations

The directory WL_HOME\server\bin contains uninstallNodeMgrSvc.cmd, a script for uninstalling the Node Manager service, and installNodeMgrSvc.cmd, a script for installing Node Manager as a service.

1. Delete the service using uninstallNodeMgrSvc.cmd
2. Edit installNodeMgrSvc.cmd to specify Node Manager's Listen Address and Listen Port.

  Make the same edits to uninstallNodeMgrSvc.cmd as you make to installNodeMgrSvc.cmd, so that you can successfully uninstall the service in the future, as desired.
3. Run installNodeMgrSvc.cmd to re-install Node Manager as a service, listening on the updated address and port.

Configuring Java-based Node Manager Security:

Node Manager security relies on a one-way SSL connection between the client and server.

If you are establishing a command line connection to the Java Node Manager using the WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) nmConnect command, you provide the Node Manager user name and password. Node Manager verifies the username and password against the domain's file.

Node Manager credentials are located on the Security>General>Advanced Options Console page.

Administration Console users do not need to explicitly provide credentials to connect to Node Manager—the Node Manager user name and password are available in the domain configuration and are provided automatically.

Configuring Node Manager to Use Start and Stop Scripts

You can configure Node Manager to use a script to start a managed server or to execute a script after server shutdown has completed. These scripts can be used to perform tasks that need to be peformed before a server is started or after it is shutdown. Mounting and unmounting remote disks is one example of a task that can be performed using scripts.


Node Manager uses startup scripts to perform any required configration, then start the server. In contrast, stop scripts are executed after the server has shutdown.

Using Start Scripts 

You can use a start script allows you to specify required startup properties and perform any other work you need performed at start up. To define a start script:

1. In the file, set the StartScriptEnabled property to true. (The default is false.) If your start script is named or startWebLogic.cmd, Node Manager uses one of those scripts as the default.
2. If you want to specify a custom start script, set the StartScriptName property to the name of your script in the file

Using Stop Scripts 

You can use a stop script to perform any tasks that are required after the server has shutdown. To define a stop script:

1. In the file, set the StopScriptEnabled property to true.
2. Set the StopScriptName property to the name of your script in the file.

The following example shows a stop script that can be used to unmout a disk on UNIX systems:

if grep $FS /etc/mnttab > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
              PIDS=`/usr/local/bin/lsof $FS | awk
             '{if ($2 ~/[0-9]+/) { print $2} }' | sort -u`
kill -9 $PIDS
sleep 1
/usr/sbin/umount -f $FS

Configuring Script-based Node Manager :

The SSH Node Manager is a shell script,, located in {WL_HOME}/common/bin/. must exist on each machine that hosts server instances that you want to control with Node Manager. This script can be customized to meet site-specific requirements.

You must have an SSH client executable on each machine where Node Manager or a Node Manager client runs. This script must also be in the path of the user id running it. Typically, an SSH client is a standard part of a Unix or Linux installation.

 Overriding the Default SSH Port

The default SSH port used by Node Manager is 22. You can override that setting in the following ways:

 . Set the Port= parameter in the ~/.ssh/config file to set the default port for an individual user.
 . Set the Port= parameter in the /etc/ssh_config file to set the default port across the entire system.
 . Start the Administration Server using the following system property:

-Dweblogic.nodemanager.ShellCommand="ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no -p %P %H -d %D -r %R -s %S %C"
 After starting the server, you can edit the SSH port in the Administration Server’s configuration file.

Configuring Script-based Node Manager Security 

The Node Manager SSH shell script relies on SSH user-based security to provide a secure trust relationship between users on different machines. Authentication is not required. You create a UNIX user account—typically one per domain—for running Node Manager commands and scripts. A user logged in as this user can issue Node Manager commands without providing a username and password.


You must also ensure that the Node Manager and WebLogic Server commands are available in the path of the UNIX user ID used to run them.

Remote Server Start Security for Script-based Node Manager 

A remote start user name and password is required to start a server instance with Node Manager. These credentials are provided differently for Administration Servers and Managed Servers.

 . Credentials for Managed Servers—When you invoke Node Manager to start a Managed Server it obtains its remote start name and password from the Administration Server.
 . Credentials for Administration Servers—When you invoke Node Manager to start an Administration Server, the remote start user name can be provided on the command line, or obtained from the Administration Server’s file. The Configuration Wizard initializes the file and the file for an Administration Server when you create the domain.

Any server instance started by Node Manager encrypts and saves the credentials with which it started in a server-specific file, for use in automatic restarts.

Generating and Distributing Key Value Pairs :

The script-based Node Manager uses two types of key value pairs. This section contains instructions for distributing key value pairs to the machines that will host a Node Manager client or server.

Shared Key Value Pair 

This option distributes the same key value pair to all machines that will host a Node Manager client or server.

The simplest way to accomplish this is to set up your LAN to mount the Node Manager user home directory on each of the machines. This makes the key value pair available to the machines. Otherwise

1. Generate an RSA key value pair for the user with the ssh-keygen command provided with your SSH installation.

The default location for the private and public keys are ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ respectively.

If these keys are stored in a different location, modify the ShellCommand template, adding an option to the ssh command to specify the location of the keys.
 2. Append the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the Node Manager machine. For example:

command="/home/bea/server90/common/nodemanager/" 1024 33 23...2323

in which the you substitute the public key that you generated, as stored in, for the string shown in the example as

1024 33 23...2323


The prefix command=<command> ensures that a user that establishes a session with the machine using the public key can only run the command specified— This ensures that the user can only perform Node Manager functions, and prevents unauthorized access to data, system utilities, or other resources on the machine.

3. Manually distribute the key value pair to each machine that will host a Node Manager server instance or client.
4. Execute the following command on the client machine to check that the Node Manager client can access the Node Manager:

/home/bea$ ssh montgomery VERSION

This response indicates that the client accessed Node Manager successfully:

+OK NodeManager v9.1.0

Individual Key Value Pairs

On each machine that will host a Node Manager client: 

1. Generate a separate RSA key value pair for the Node Manager user as described in step one in the previous section.

2. Append the public key to the machine's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file user as described in step two in the previous section.



1. $ LOGNAME                  : It displays the current user information

2. $PWD                          : present working directory

3. $DATE                         : It displays the system date & time

4. $clear                           : To clear the screen

5. $cal                               : It current month and year

6. $cal 2000                      : Displays the 2000 year calendar

7. $cal 8 2006                  : displays the 8th month of 2006

8. $exit or logout             : exit from current user account

9. $ who                          : displays the all user in who are currently working on server

10. $finger                       : displays the all user who are currently working on server with more information

11. Who am I                   : displays current user information?

12. Which or where          : displays the location of the given command
  Syn: $which pwd

13. Cat                            : is use to create new files or to open exiting files or to append data to the exiting files

Create: cat >filename
-----------cntl+d(save file)

Redirect: cat file1 file2 file3 >file4--------àredirect output

Append: cat >>filename--------à single file        $cat file1 file2 file3 >>EMP------àmulti files

Open file: cat <filename-----àopen single file   $cat file1, file2, file3----------àto open multi files
Cat >.filename---------for hidden files

14. Touch               : It is used to create an empty file i.e. 0 byte file
SYN: $ touch filename
$ touch file1 file2 file3---------à create multiple files

15. rm                    : deleting files or directories
rm filename----------------àdeleting single file

rm -i filename--------------àdeleting files with confirmation

rm file1 file2----------------àdeleting multiple files

rmdir dirname--------------àdeleting the directory but the directory must be empty

rm  -r dirname-------------àdeleting directory recursively (i.e. with tree str)

rm –ri dirname-------------àremove directory with confirmation

rm *   ---------------------à it delete all files

rm  -I *--------------------àdeletes all files with confirmation

rm t* ---------------------àit deletes whose file name starts with ‘t’

16. mkdir               : creating directories

Syn: $mkdir dirname

Sys: $Mkdir .dirname------------àhidden directory

17. Cd          : change directory

Sys: $cd abc

$pwd------/home/testing/abc using above cmd we can come out from abc now we at //home/testing

cd..---------------------------àto come out from current directory

cd../..------------------------àparent directory

cd/---------------------------àit changes to root directory

cd ~-------------------------àit changes to home directory

18. cp                              :copy source file to target file

Cp emp1 emp2----------------------àemp1 to 2 coping
Cp –I m1 m2-------------------------àoverwrite confirmation? Y
Cp –R source directory to target directory-------cp –R abc xyz

19. mv                               : it is used to rename or move file
Ex: mv exiting filename new filename
           Mv emp .emp----------------------àto hide
          Mv .emp emp--------------------àto unhide                       : display, list of all files & directories in a current directory|more             : display, list of all files & directories page by page

22. ls –a                 : display, list of all files & directories including hidden files and dirctories also in current directory

23. ls  –r                : display list of all files & directories reverse order in a current directory

24. Ls –R                : display list of all files & directories recursively in a current directory

25. Ls –t                 : display list of all files & directories according to date of creation in a 
current directory

26. Ls –F                : display all list of files & directories, link files, .exe files in a current directory

27. Ls -x                 : display all list of files & directories according to width wise in a current directory

28. Ls -L                 : display all list of files & directories in a current directory in a long list i.e. 9 fields

1) File types
[1) -- For regular file 
ii) d—for dir file 
III) L—for link file 
IV) b—for block of files
V) c— for char files] [here IV, V is device files]
2) File permissions 
3) no. of links
 4) owner name 
5) group name 
6) file size in bytes 
7) Date 
8) time 
9) filename

30. cmp                  : it compares two files char by char
Sys: cmp file1 file2       
Ex: a1: Hello Good Morning
               a2: Hello Good Evening
    If two lines are same then return nothing
     If two files are different then it displays line number with character position

31. comm.              : It display common lines b/w 2 files
           Syn: Comm File1 file2

32. diff                               : it display different lines b/w 2 files

33. pg                    : it display the file contents page by page
                   Syn: $Pg filename

34. more                : it also display the file contents page by page
                   Syn: $more filename

34. head       :it display the 1st n lines from the file
Sys: $ head –n filename

35. tail                      : it display the last n lines from file
                   Syn: tail –n filename
   Tail +n filename----àit indicates nth line to end of the line 
   Ex: tail +30 file (in this file total no of records is 100) it displays the records from 30th to 100

36. wc           : it counts the no of lines, words, chars in a given file.

                   Syn: $wc filename

i) wc –l filename------------------àit gives the no of lines in a given file
ii) wc –w filename---------------àit gives the no of words in a given file
III) wc –c filename---------------à it gives no. of char in file
iv) wc -lw filename--------------à it gives the no of lines and character in a given file

Comparing files:

1]$cmp: It compares two files char by char.
Syn:$cmp dile1 file2
Same---doesn’t return any value.
Diff---return char position&line no.

2]$comm: It displays comman lines b/w 2 files.
Syn:$comm file1 file2

3]$diff: It displays diff lines b/w 2 files.
Syn:$diff file1 file2

Zip files:

1]$gzip: To zip the file.
Syn:$gzip filename
Ex:$gzip sample

2]zcat: it is used for to open zip file in readable format.
$zcat sample.gz

3]$gunzip: To unzip the file.
Syn:$gunzip filename
Ex:$gunzip sample.gz



d - Directory
w - Wrire
r - Read
x - Executable
Note: Without write permissions we can’t copy, remove, modify, move, crate

7 7 7

Directory         – 777
File                  – 666
Default Directory Permissions            – 755
Default File Permissions                     – 644

Read                – 4
Write               – 2
Executable      – 1

Total Permissions 7


1. Numeric Method
2. Symbolic Method

1. Numeric Method:

Syntax: $ chmod [permissions] <file/Directory>
Ex: $ chmod 700 Dir2
    $ chmod 640 file1

To check the changed permission use the command: ls - l

To change the permissions and check the permission using following command
Ex: $ chmod -c 750 Dir2

To change the permission with Directories and subdirectories with regressively
Ex: $ chmod -R 755 Dir2

To Change the present working Directory Permissions
Ex: $ chmod - R 750

Note : Plz don’t' try this command on the system

2. Symbolic Method

User     – u
Group – g
Others             – o
All       – a
Read    – r
Write   – w
Execute – x

Syntax: $ chmod [options] <File/Directory>

To Add Write permission to Group and Others
Ex: $ chmod g+w, o+w Dir1

To Remove the Write Permission to User
Ex: $ chmod u-w Dir1

To Remove the Write and execute permissions to Group and Others
Ex: $chmod g-r, g-x, o-r, o-x Dir1

Append the Write permissions to all
Ex: $chmod u+w, g+w, o+w Dir1
     $chmod a+w Dir1

UMASK (User File Creation Mask)
- cuting, remove, hidden
By Default umask value is 022

Directory         File

777                  666
022                  022
755                  644

GREP Commands:

If you want to save the output in a file in the current directory named new file, enter:

Ex: fgrep dog my file | cut -f5 -d" " | sort > new file

$ grep –n <file> - To display record number

$ grep -i<file>  - To ignore record

$ grep –c <file> - To count in how many records expression

$ grep –E <file> - To search for multiple expression

$ grep –L <file> - It give the file name and which the
                   regular expression

$ grep –r <file> - To search regressively and present working

$ grep –w <file> - To search for the exact match for the word

$ grep –s <file> - To suppress errors

$ grep “jai” <file> - It prints the expressive record which
                      have got the “jai”

$ grep –n “jai” <file> - It display the record number and
                         expression what we give “jai”

$ grep –in “jay” <file> - It ignore and prints the record

$ grep –E “jay prem” <file> - It search for multiple
                           expressions and prints the record

$ grep –l “jay”*   - It displays the filename which the
                      “Jay” expression is

Process Related Commands:

This command is used to find disk space of the file System.
Syn: df
df -h:
This command is used to find disk space of the human Readable format.
Syn:df -h.

df -k:
This command is used to find disk space of the Kilobites format.
Syn:df -k.

df -kh:
This command is used to find disk space of the Kilobites in human Readable format.
Syn:df -kh.
df -a:
It displays all the data
Syn:df -a.

df -i
This command is used to find disk space in Inodes ,I used, Ifree ,I use .
Syn:df -i.

This command is used to find disk usege of the file System.
Syn: du
du -S
It displays include Sub directories.
Syn: du -S.

du -s:
It display include Total directories.

Syn: du -s

du -a or du -all
It display the space that each file is taking include Sub directories.
Syn: du-a.

du -Sh .
It display include current directory space.
Syn: du -Sh .

du -Sh *
It display all the data in directories.
Syn: du -Sh *

This is used to current running process.
Syn: ps

This is used to all the current running process.

It is used find the cpu usage and memory usage.


The Load Average represenation the Average System load over a period of time.Which Representing the system load during the Last 1,5,15.

This command will execute the process even if logout from the System.
Syn:nohup cmd.


This command is used to display the all Ipaddrss and portnumber.
Syn:netsat -anp.

This command is used to searching ths files.
Syn:file -/ name Filename.

tar command is primary archive utilty.
Syn:tar cmd.
tar -cvf:
This is used to create the all files stored in one file (or) Backup file purpose you can use this one.
syn:tar -cvf file.tar f1 f2 f3 f4.

tar -xvf:
This is used to exteance the all files stored in one file.
Syn :tar -xvf file.tar files.

This is used to connect the remote serers.
Syn:telnet ipaddress.

This is used to transfor the files in one system to another system.
Syn:Ftp Ipaddress.

This is used to cheek the connectivity.
Syn:ping Ipaddress.

It is used to which can show you the path a packet information takes from your computer to specify .It will list all the routes it passes through until reaches the destination.
Syn:Tracert mediacollege.

This is used to secure copy the files in unix system.
Syn:scp filename root@ipaddress filename.

It is a job scheduling tool

crontab -l (it lists all crontab jobs)
crontab -e (edit cront jobs)
-e (edit user's crontab)
-l (list user's crontab)
-r (delete user's crontab)
-i (prompt before deleting user's crontab)

crotab -e


esc: w -save
: q -quit with out save
: wq -save and exit
: wq! - over write